Top 3 Examples of Great UX in Healthcare Apps

Healthcare is one of the most important, and complex, industries in the world. It’s also one of the most frustrating for patients. In this article, we’re going to take a look at three examples of great UX in healthcare apps. We’ll see how these apps are making it easier for patients to access information, communicate with doctors, and manage their health.


What is UX

At its core, UX in healthcare is all about making it easier for patients to navigate the often complex and confusing world of healthcare. Whether you’re dealing with a minor illness or major surgery, countless decisions need to be made along the way. And these decisions often have a significant impact on your health and well-being.

why is it important in healthcare apps

There are a lot of factors that go into creating great UX in healthcare apps, Including:

  1. Clear navigation and user-friendly interfaces that allow users to quickly find the information they need.

2. Well-designed forms and other tools that make it easy for patients to communicate with doctors, update their medical records, and manage their health.

3. Personalized recommendations based on individual patient needs and preferences.

Some of the best healthcare apps are already taking these factors into account, and they’re delivering a better experience for patients. Let’s take a closer look at three examples of great UX in healthcare apps.

Examples of successful UX in healthcare apps

We decided to analyze apps with 7 principles of UX by Peter Morville:

  • Findability,
  • Accessibility,
  • Usefulness,
  • Efficiency,
  • Enjoyment,
  • Memorability
  • Advocacy.

So with these principles in mind, let’s take a look at some examples of successful UX in healthcare apps.


This is a pill reminder app that helps patients stay on top of their medications. So, let`s use our principles to rate this app:

  • MyTherapy is a great example of findability, as it features a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to quickly locate the information they need.
  • It also prioritizes accessibility, with tools like step-by-step tutorials and notifications to help patients understand how to use the app effectively.
  • Usefulness is another major focus of this app, with features like personalized medication reminders and helpful tips for staying healthy. The efficiency of MyTherapy is also notable, as it can help patients manage their medications more effectively and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Enjoyment is another key factor in MyTherapy, as the app includes interactive features like games and quizzes that patients can use to track their progress.
  • Memorability is also important, and the app includes features like notifications and reminders that help patients remember to take their medications.
  • And the last principle, advocacy, is also addressed by MyTherapy, as the app encourages patients to share their successes and progress with friends, family members, and healthcare providers.

To sum up, MyTherapy is a great example of successful UX in healthcare apps, and its innovative approach has helped it stand out in this competitive field.


Another great example is WellTory, a health-tracking app that helps users track their daily activity levels and get personalized recommendations for improving their health.

This app excels in many of the key principles of UX, including findability and memorability. It features a simple, intuitive interface that makes it easy to quickly find and track your activity levels. And the app also has tools like reminders and notifications, which help users remember to use the app regularly.

WellTory also prioritizes accessibility, with features like step-by-step tutorials that make it easy for users of all experience levels to get started with the app.

The usefulness of the app is also notable, as it provides users with personalized recommendations based on their activity levels, health goals, and other factors.

And finally, WellTory excels in the areas of enjoyment and advocacy. The engaging interface includes features like interactive tools and gamification elements that help users stay motivated and connect with other users of the app.

In conclusion, WellTory is a great example of outstanding UX in healthcare apps, and its innovative approach has helped it stand out in a crowded market.


BetterMe Mental Health

This app is designed to help users manage their mental health and emotional well-being.

Like other healthcare apps that excel in UX, BetterMe Mental Health prioritizes some key factors, including findability and accessibility. The simple interface makes it easy for users to quickly locate the tools and resources they need, and the app also features step-by-step tutorials and other resources to help new users get started.

The usability of the app is also noteworthy, as it provides users with personalized recommendations based on their activity levels, symptoms, and other factors.

And the principles of enjoyability and advocacy are also clearly reflected in BetterMe Mental Health. The engaging interface includes interactive tools like games and quizzes, which can help users make progress on their journey to better mental health. Plus, the app encourages its users to connect, share their successes, and support each other in times of need.

In conclusion, BetterMe Mental Health is an excellent example of UX in healthcare apps, and its innovative approach has helped it become a leader in this competitive field.

How to create your own great UX in healthcare apps

We gathered some tips to create your own great UX in healthcare apps:

1. Start by focusing on the user experience and meeting the specific needs of your target audience. This means paying close attention to things like usability, accessibility, findability, and other key factors that can impact the overall user experience.

2. Pay close attention to design elements like the layout and visual appeal of your app, as these can have a big impact on usability and overall engagement.

3. Include features like interactive tools, gamification elements, reminders, notifications, and other elements that can help keep users engaged and motivated.

4. Consider collaborating with healthcare professionals or experts in the field to gather feedback on your app and ensure that it aligns with the latest research and best practices.

5. Finally, continue to iterate and refine your app over time, using feedback and analytics to continually improve the user experience. With these tips in mind, you can create a great UX in healthcare apps that your users will love and advocate for.

At the end of the day, a great UX in healthcare apps comes down to understanding and meeting the needs of your users. By focusing on things like usability, accessibility, and other key factors, you can create an engaging and highly-effective app that truly makes a difference in people’s lives. And as you iterate and refine your app over time, you can always work to improve the user experience and ensure that your app continues to deliver value to its users.


There is no doubt that healthcare apps can have a positive impact on the health and well-being of patients. By designing user-friendly interfaces, incorporating big data and machine learning technology, and creating supportive communities among users, healthcare app developers can create experiences that make all the difference for patients. And as these apps continue to evolve and improve over time, we can expect even better experiences for patients in the years to come.​