Experts are decoding the link between fasting and cancer

fasting and cancer

Fasting is one of the most commonly known practices that many people follow. Some people fast for religious reasons, while others do it for medical purposes. Cancer patients can also fast; however, they need to speak to their doctor or a cancer care centre in Adelaide before doing so. We will understand the link between the two and how cancer patients should do it through this article.  

Understanding the difference between dieting and fasting

No doubt, fasting can be part of your diet plan, but dieting and fasting are still different. Let us look at them individually to understand the difference.


Fasting is a process wherein there are no limitations or restrictions on food. It only tells you when you cannot and can eat something. This can be for a particular time frame like a day, week, or at regular intervals for a month. There are two types of fasting.

  • Short-term or intermittent fasting – This is done regularly for shorter periods. In this, you can either do a complete no water no food fast or avoid snacking in between.
  • FMD or fasting-mimicking diet– This type of fasting helps restrict the number of calories you consume daily. This fast requires you to eat natural and healthy food. The concept of this fast is to make the body think that you are fasting when you’re not.


Dieting is a process wherein you limit food intake and calories. A dietician or an oncologist at the cancer care centre Adelaide will guide you through the entire plan of what you can eat, when, and in how much quantity. The diet plan generally changes depending on the results.  

The link between fasting and cancer as per experts

A healthy diet can help reduce the possibility and development of various diseases and medical conditions. Obesity, one of the biggest reasons behind many medical conditions, is linked to around 13 types. Experts are still trying to understand precisely how fasting can help cancer patients. Nevertheless, some reports point out the same.

Breast cancer recurrence

  • In San Diago, various universities conducted different types of research about reducing breast cancer by fasting for 13 hours. In some cases, experts have also seen that a 13 hour fast may even help save a person from this terminal illness. Nightly fasting also helps in the reduction of chronic diseases. 

Improved and prevention treatments

  • In California, scientists of two different universities concluded in their individual research that fasting and calorie reduction helps to improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment and reduce the risks of developing it as s well. This particular theory is still under investigation as experts are trying to determine how it is possible and what exactly needs to be done. 

A final note on fasting and cancer

 No treatment is effective if a person does not make lifestyle changes. Experts are still working on finding out the different ways fasting and cancer are linked to help patients accordingly. No doubt, a specialist at the cancer care centre Adelaide provides all the support and assistance a patient needs to recover; however, there are certain things that an individual also needs to do.